Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Why I'm Still Voting for Gary Johnson, and Why You Should Too

On the day of the third and final presidential debate for the 2016 presidential election, and I'm amazed at all of the corrupt revelations that we've beheld so far...

* It was revealed that the polls which determine eligibility to participate in presidential debates are biased in favor of the major party candidates. These polls exclude demographics such as independent voters and voters under 35.

* The Commission on Presidential Debates is a bipartisan agency whose goal is to restrict third party interference in presidential debates. Even when served with a petition with over a million signatures, they flatly refused to include Gary Johnson or Jill Stein in the presidential debates, despite calls from prominent legislators, pundits and news agencies to do so.

* The Democratic Party fixed the primaries in favor of their heir apparent, Hillary Clinton. The DNC chair was fired only to be immediately rehired by the Clinton campaign. Bernie Sanders never had a chance.

* The Democratic Party worked with major news outlets to pump up Trump's primary bid in an effort to ensure a Hillary Presidency.

* The Veritas Project recently released undercover video and audio showing that the Democratic Party willfully commits voter fraud in order to win elections.

* Julian Assange and Wikileaks have dumped a treasure trove of information highlighting Hillary Clinton's political misdeeds (perjury and treason to name a few) as well as her political invincibility thanks to relationships with the leadership at the Justice Department and President Obama himself.

* It has been revealed that Donald Trump has used campaign donations to bolster his own businesses and those of his children.

* Mr. Trump was exposed as the misogynist pig we all believed him to be in the now infamous "Trump Tapes". His racism and sexism are simply unmatched in all of the American Political Landscape.

And the list goes on and on and on. And yet, somehow, these are still the only two candidates who will be at the podiums tonight. We have seen with crystal-clear certainty that the political system in the United States is corrupt to the core. And while that is disheartening, I'm still not giving up. Here's why: Gary Johnson can still be elected President in case of an electoral deadlock. And most importantly, he can easily secure 5% of the popular vote which would promote the Libertarian Party to "major party" status in 2020. This would automatically include them on the ballots in all 50 states, would release federal funding for their national campaign, and in so doing would finally challenge the two party system which has proved incapable of representing the will of the people.

Some people want to see the "glass ceiling" for women shattered. Me? I want to see the two party political system toppled. If this year in politics has taught us anything, its that the Republican and Democratic Parties aren't interested in or capable of putting forward the best candidates to be the greatest servant of the Constitution or the citizens of the United States of America.

I'm still voting for Gary Johnson (even if my political platform more closely resembles Evan McMullin, or past traditional candidates like Mitt Romney). And I'm calling on you to do the same. Please consider my reasoning below, and share it with any who are still on the fence about who to vote for in November.

1.  Gary Johnson is a social liberal and fiscal conservative. These are the same political beliefs as a majority of Americans, especially when examining the positions of millennial voters. Simply put, the next generations of voters are already Libertarian, they just don't know it yet.

2.  The Libertarian platform is one of balance and liberty, deferring many social issues to States' rights to govern their citizens. This empowers citizens to enact change on the local and state levels of government.

3.  Neither the Democrats nor Republicans are going to adopt a Congressional Term Limit Amendment to the Constitution, as most of them are career politicians. Gary will, on the other hand.

4.  Gary Johnson would move quickly to remove US presence from wars which we have no business fighting (Syria civil war, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen), preferring to use the US Military to protect the United States and support our allies.

5.  Hillary Clinton should not be allowed to hold public office. Donald Trump should not be allowed to hold public office. The only way to ensure neither do is to vote for Gary Johnson.

6.  A plurality of Americans are Independent (43%), and deserve more than two political parties to represent them on all levels of government. The centrist Libertarian Party is best poised to do that immediately.

7. Gary Johnson is the only candidate on all 50 state ballots who has successfully governed US citizens, and whose plan to cut taxes and balance the budget extend beyond the theoretical.

8.  Hillary Clinton is a far-left progressive. Donald Trump is a far-right nationalist. Neither represent the vast majority of American Voters.

9.  Prior to this election, you hadn't heard of Alleppo, the capitol city of Libya, either. To demonstrate this fact, I'll point out that you likely didn't recognize just now that I misspelled Aleppo. Furthermore, you probably didn't notice that Aleppo isn't the capitol Libya, but Syria; it's this whole other country. And lastly, you probably missed that Aleppo isn't Syria's capitol, but Damascus instead.

10. Gary Johnson wants to decriminalize marijuana as a Class/Schedule 1 drug. And while many have tried to write him off as a "Pothead" for this reason, they fail to recognize that his proposed change would result in many overturned prison sentences for personal possession, benefitting the African American and Latino communities most, since they are disproportionately imprisoned for these offenses. It would reduce the overall prison population, which would in turn reduce the federal cost of prison programs. And finally, it would pave the way for privatized medical marijuana. The medicinal and economic benefit of this change simply cannot be overstated.

For things to change in America, we don't need "outsiders" joining the major parties. We need to install a party who isn't yet corrupted by all the power and greed of Washington. To do that, we need to vote for Gary Johnson.

As President, he can and will bring about real change (without all the scandals). It's time for another option. It's time to vote Libertarian.


  1. Thank you, sir. Very well written. I will be sharing this across social media platforms. I hope at least a few people take notice.

    1. Thanks Shoshanna, keep it up. We still have several weeks to be able to make a difference.

  2. Thank you, sir. Very well written. I will be sharing this across social media platforms. I hope at least a few people take notice.
