As the primary season has dragged on, a rumor has been catching on like wildfire.
"Donald Trump is the eventual nominee. It's going to happen."
And I don't know, there's a part of me that just doesn't like this kind of forecasting. It sounds a lot like the Borg: "YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED. RESISTANCE IS FUTILE." And despite my own feelings on the subject (read: repulsion), like any honest trend analyst, I decided to crunch the numbers and see if it was true. So I sat down one day and compiled as much data as I could for the primaries and caucuses that have happened so far. And you know what I learned?
There is nothing eventual about Donald Trump. And in a General Election against Hillary Clinton (his ACTUALLY EVENTUAL opponent), he would lose, and lose badly. Truth be told, the only thing that can win the nomination for Trump is the bold faced lie that it's already his. But don't take my word for it. Let's look at the numbers. (Pulled from politico).
37 - That's the number of states who have held primaries or caucuses for either or both parties.
34 - The number of republican primaries or caucuses as of the date of this publication.
20 - The number of states Trump has "won".
1 - The number of states Trump has won with a majority of votes. Hint, it was New York, his home state.
19 - The number of states Trump won with a plurality.
That last number should interest you. Why? Because it shows that the leading front runner isn't Donald Trump, but instead is his arch nemesis, "Anyone but Trump". Truth be told, Donald Trump hasn't even won close to half of the Republican votes. Here are those numbers:
23 million - Total votes cast in Republican Primaries
8.7 million - People who have voted for Trump
14.2 million - people who have voted for "Anyone but Trump".
Let that sink in for a second. Nearly 2/3 of the Republican votes cast have been for someone other than Trump. Sure, you could say the same for the other Republican Candidates, except for one thing: He's the front runner. He has the delegate lead, and has for a long time. If there was ever a bandwagon to jump on, it's his. And yet 2/3 of voters from the Republican camp have voted for one of the other "losers", as he calls them. Cruz has won plenty of states, and Kasich annihilated Trump in Ohio. Oh, and they both got more votes in their home states than he did in NY.
And while we're on the subject of things The Donald has said, I want to touch briefly on his accusation that the system is rigged. As with everything else in Trump's campaign, this statement is all smoke & mirrors. How else could a man get 2/3 of the delegates with only 1/3 of the votes? The system, that rigged system, is the only reason he still has a campaign.
Let's look at how things should look for a nominee that is actually winning the primaries. Let's look at Hillary's numbers:
37 - The number of states who have held primaries and/or caucuses
34 - The number of Democratic Contests
18 - The number of states Hillary has won
17 - The number of states Hillary has won with a majority of votes.
18.4 Million - The number of votes in Democratic Primaries and Caucuses
10.4 Million - The number of votes for Hillary
8 Million - The number of votes for Anyone but Hillary
Those numbers are what winning looks like. Now I'm far from a Hillary supporter, but when you talk about someone winning their party's nomination, this is what it should look like. And when Bernie Sanders concedes, he will encourage his supporters to back Hillary to make sure a Trump presidency never happens. And she already has more votes than Trump does. Come November, she will win in a LANDSLIDE, and he'll spend the following months tweeting about the unfairness of it all. After all, she got more than double the votes he did in New York, and as he said recently, "If you can't win New York, you don't belong here."
So before you head to the polls today, remember: if you're voting for Trump, you're in the minority. If you're voting for Anyone but Trump, you're in the majority, and as Donald would say, "It's not even close". A contested convention is the surest way to make sure the majority of voters aren't "robbed" by the "corrupt system". Most Republicans want someone other than Trump. Do yourself and everyone else a favor: vote against Trump.